2011For the second year in a row a bull from Western Australia has won Grand Champion Murray Grey bull at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, with Willawa Greys Ernest E16 taking out the title, along with winning the Best Murray Grey Exhibit of the show. The same bull was the Supreme Exhibit at the 2010...
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2011Murray Greys once again proved the consistency of the breed to produce quality carcase animals at the 2011 Sydney Royal Easter Show, with Murray Grey steers winning Champion Middleweight steer, Champion Middleweight carcase, four Virtual Taste Test class winners, three 1st place carcases, two silver medals, one bronze medal and 3rd place in the coveted...
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2011With a revamped format, the fundraising activities for the Murray Grey Youth during the 2011 Woodbourn Murray Grey Youth Ambassador Awards and the National Show & Sale drew unbridled support from the greater Murray Grey community, with a total of $11,100 being raised. This money will go a long way to continue the growth of...
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2011In a repeat from 2010 another young South Australian Murray Grey breeder has been named the 2011 Woodbourn Murray Grey Youth Ambassador. In her second year as a participant, Jessie Thomson, Gumeracha, SA has added another feather to her cap by winning the Senior Award. The 2011 Woodbourn Ambassador Award had fifteen young Murray Grey...
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2011Wallawong Murray Greys hosted a successful Optimum Steer/ideal Carcase Open Day welcoming around 40 people from as far as Blayney, Gravesend, Muswellbrook, Gloucester and throughout the North West to ‘Marriot Park’ at Curlewis. The producers travelled to learn more about breeding and assessing steers for carcase traits and utilized 16 Murray Grey steers being prepared...
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2011Following a favourable season and increased prices in the saleyards, the 2011 National Show and Sale saw a boost in average prices and the clearance of lots offered for sale. Twenty one bulls were sold to an average of $4,190, with an 81% clearance. Thirty females sold to an average of $3,400, with a 91%...
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2011This year’s Farm World, held at Lardner Park, West Gippsland, was once again attended by the Gippsland Murray Grey Breeders. Held over four days in March, Farm World is one of Victoria’s biggest agricultural events, attracting around 650 exhibitors and 55,000 visitors. Each year the Gippsland Group presents a display that is second to none,...
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2011As per Rule 30.(2) of the Constitution the results of the 2010 Director Elections were announced at the Annual General Meeting on the 6th of April 2011. The MGBCS therefore declares the following to be the duly elected Directors on the MGBCS Board: – Tasmania: Gail Menegon – Victoria: Howard Woodall – Western Australia: Richard...
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2011Waroona Murray Grey Stud showed off their commercial side at the 2011 NSW Beef Spectacular in Dubbo taking out the overall Reserve Champion pen of three steers with purebred Murray Grey steers. The steers, all by Waroona Hercules Y11 placed second for pen of trade steers on the hook and went on to claim Reserve...
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2011The saying ‘always a bridesmaid and never a bride’, must be passing through the minds of Elizabethfields principals Sandra Johnson and Margaret Hunter, after hearing Elizabethfields Gemma B2 was named the Reserve Senior Interbreed female at the 2011 NSW Beef Spectacular. This same cow won the same title at National Beef in Bendigo in 2010...
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