Yearly Archive: 2011

Grand Champion steer for Tullibardine


Keeping with a tradition of success in the Wagin Woolarama trade cattle section, Tullibardine Murray Grey Stud exhibited the Grand Champion Trade Steer with a purebred Murray Grey. The steer won the heavyweight section of judging before receiving judges Primaries Katanning representative Wayne Fuchsbichler’s and RBG meat Industry consultant Shane Fuchsbichler’s nod as the overall...

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Murray Grey put to taste in the west


At the 2011 Wagin Woolarama, the Western Australia Breed Promotion Group hosted a successful Murray Grey breed display site incorporating Murray Grey beef taste testing for the public. The display proved very popular especially at the tasting times. Cattle breeders and the public alike, flocked to the Murray Grey stand to try the Aussie bred...

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Fine display by Murray Grey steers and heifers


Part of the Murray Grey Feature Show celebrations during the Royal Canberra Show saw Murray Grey Steers and heifers on display in a Murray Grey only section prior to the judging of the Royal National Captital Hoof and Hook Competition. Overseen by judge Dennis Strachan the Murray Grey steers on heifers that lined up in...

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Tick fever disease and the use of vaccines


Bull breeders and their clients will be well aware that bulls destined for the “ticky’ regions of Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory should be vaccinated against tick fever. Buyers paying for ‘preferred’ genetics will be looking for some insurance that a purchased bull makes it past its first encounter with the local cattle ticks....

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Greys shine through sea of pink


Through a sea of pink, the Murray Grey breed put on what has been described by those ringside as ‘one of the best feature breed displays at Canberra’. As part of the feature show celebrations Murray Grey exhibitors were supporting the McGrath Foundation and all handlers were donned in pink polo shirts for the judging....

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Murray Grey steers three from four


The Murray Grey Feature Show at the 2011 Royal Canberra Show, saw a boost in Murray Grey steer numbers for the National Capital Hoof & Hook competition. With Murray Grey steers winning three out of the four classes on the hoof, standing second in the remaining hoof class and exhibiting the Reserve Champion Steer on...

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Murray grey steers shine at Hamilton


In the usual fashion Murray Grey steers have once again competed successfully in the Hamilton Beef Expo, placing well across all hoof classes, and a clean sweep of the Heavyweight Carcase Class. The Lightweight hoof section saw a Murray Grey take second with a steer exhibited by Des & Anne Slattery Cullenya Murray Greys, with...

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Crookwell commercial success


Rod Hoare and Helena Warren, Cadfor Murray Greys, Binda NSW repeated their success from 2010 in the Commercial Cattle section at the Crookwell Show. Cadfor cattle won the Supreme Commercial Exhibit, the Breeders Group, Champion Vealer and the Champion Commercial female against all breeds with over 40 entries being exhibited in the unled section. Rod...

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Capital welcome for Murray Greys


The excitement is building for the Murray Grey Beef Cattle feature show, proudly sponsored by Rabobank at this year’s Royal Canberra Royal Show. The Murray Greys, Australia’s Own Beef Breed will be on display with over 180 head of cattle competing for a prize pool in excess of $28,000.00 for both the Steer and Stud...

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Barry the Bull for flood relief


Ted & Georgette Keen of Nawarra Murray Grey Stud, Wagga, are donating one of their stud bulls to be auctioned by Elders at the 2011 MG National Show & Sale with all proceeds to the Elders Flood Relief for Farmers fund. The bull for sale is EGK E24, Nawarra Barry, silver, purebred. Barry will also...

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