Kentucky Wins Calf Derby

September 17, 2014Kentucky wins calf derby

By Catherine Miller
Courtesy Stock Journal

A 4.5-month-old Murray Grey bull calf Bottlesford Kentucky, shown by G&JR&DJ Koopman, Bottlesford, Tungkillo, and already showing plenty of stud sire potential was grand champion in the SA Young Beef Breeders’ Calf Classic.

It was not the first broad ribbon for Kentucky, who was at foot with his mother Bottlesford Sarah, senior champion and supreme Murray Grey exhibit the previous day.

He was sired by Woodbourn Warrior A69.

Judge Lincoln Job, Marellan Shorthorns, Cumnock, NSW, praised the concept which combined young people and young cattle – both of which were the future of the beef industry.

He found it difficult with the variation in type and age but was looking for structurally correct cattle.

“Faults get bigger with age so a small fault in a calf can become much bigger in a two-year-old bull, or a seven- or eight-year-old cow.”

Kentucky won the Steven Arnold Memorial Trophy from a record number of entries – 17 bull calves and 13 heifer calves.

Pictured: BULL CHAMP: Bottlesford Kentucky won the champion bull calf and also the Steven Arnold Memorial Trophy for the overall champion calf. Emma Bellgrove, Gawler, is pictured holding the Murray Grey calf with judge Lincoln Job, Marellan Shorthorns, Cumnock, NSW, presenting the ribbon.