Murray Greys top Wagga Carcase competition

October 21, 2014

WAGGA Wagga’s 150th Show featured a new “grass fed pen of three” beef cattle competition.

Both commercial and stud breeders competed in the event, organised by Teys Australia, with live hoof judging done by Teys livestock manager Ben O’Keath and supply chain project co-ordinator Jasmine Nixon.

On the hoof, a pen of heavy weight steers from Ted Keens’s Nawarra Murray Greys, “Nawarra”, Gregadoo, was judged on top.

Mr Keen’s Murray Grey steers were also judged to be winners on the hook with 204.09 points.

The best of three had nine millimetres of fat, an eye muscle area of 78 square centimetres, had a carcase weight of 306 kilograms.

Nawarra also exhibited the highest scoring carcase in the lightweight pen, with a Murray Grey steer with a carcase weight of 216kg, an eye muscle area of 71cms sq. and rib fat of 9mm – achieving 33.5 out of 35 for saleable meat yield.

Article courtesy of The Land, Thursday, October 16, 2014.