Stock and Land Beef Week 2014

January 21, 2014

Beef Week Logo

Beef Week Grows to Nine Days

South-east Australia’s Stock & Land Beef Week, which started in 1992 with 50 studs spread over four days, will expand to nine days in 2014 with an expected 280 studs on 220 properties participating.

Beef Week 2014 will run from January 28 to February 5 starting in the Riverina and ending in Victoria’s Western District.

The eastern Riverina day, which in 2013 was bulging with over 40 studs, has been split in two by an east-west line between Holbrook in the south and Wagga Wagga in the north.

“This area contains some of the biggest and most successful seedstock producers in the nation and the split will allow potential bull buyers to visit more properties and result in more visits for the host properties,” said Beef Week director Geoff Phillips.

“We also expect the new enlarged Beef Week will be more attractive to those studs further north past Cootamundra and Junee which were perceived to be out on a limb in the past,” he said.

“The committee listened to seedstock producers in the eastern Riverina who correctly indicated that it was impossible to visit many of the studs because the day spread from Albury in the south to Cootamundra in the north and a precedent was set a decade ago when the Western District was successfully divided into two days.

“Beef Week is a low cost high value marketing opportunity with around half of the Riverina studs using Beef Week to display bulls catalogued for upcoming on property autumn sales while the other half use Beef Week to sell out of the paddock on their Beef Week day.

“Thousands of potential buyers travel from property to property during Beef Week and this decision to expand will make it easier for visitors to obtain greater value on each day. Agents and breed society managers and officials also use Beef Week to visit their clients and members,” said Mr Phillips.

The popular RASV Beef Week Heifer Challenge will again run in 2014 backed by sponsorship from the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria. Other sponsors include Merial Australia and Rural Finance along with naming sponsor Stock & Land.

Murray Grey Breeders Participating in Beef Week 2014


DAY 6 Sunday Feb 2


614 Cratloe Murray Grey

Anne Burnside 03 9744 3080 / 0419 877 607
Location: 330 Lancefield Rd, 8k NE Sunbury PO midway between Clarkefield and Sunbury 6.4k from start of Romsey-Lancefield Rd.

Information: The Cratloe stud commenced in 1978 and has been showing in the stud classes and carcase competitions at Melbourne Royal and locally since 1990. On show will be stud cows and heifers (autumn calving) stud bulls including Lindsay Expresso (res junior champion NS&S) and Monterey ????. For sale and on show will be 10 rising 2 yo heifers PTIC for autumn calving, 15 yearling heifers unjoined, two 2 yo bulls and four yearling bulls. We select for temperament, milking and muscling.


DAY 7 Monday Feb 3

725 Dajory Murray Grey

Carolyne McRae 03 5829 9438 / 0417 966 822
E:   W:
Location: 225 Grahamvale Rd 5k NE of Shepparton PO on Shepparton truck bypass (Grahamvale Rd). Second drive on left past Ford Rd intersection travelling north.
Information: Our herd is based on elite genetics that allow us to meet our aim of producing easy calving structurally correct low birth weight docile females. Bulls are well muscled thick meaty calves with Breedplan figures that cater for all markets, be they seedstock producer, commercial breeder or hobby farmer. On show will be bulls, heifers, cows and calves for sale plus our Melbourne Royal champions.



755 Mount Major Murray Grey

Brett Davidson 0459 999 662
E:   W:
Location: Travel 8k north from Dookie on Saddleback Rd (which changes name to Dookie Rd over hill), turn left into Jeffery Rd , property first on left.
Information: Murray Greys are known as the carcase breed. In addition they are easy calving, excellent mothers, heat tolerant, naturally polled and calm to handle. Through the use of elite genetics we aim to provide high performance animals with low birth weights. We want to provide quiet, well-handled bulls that will provide our clients with soft, well muscled, thick meaty calves. It is worth a day trip to the picturesque Dookie hills to see our bulls for sale, upcoming young sires and our magnificent matrons. So come along, we’d love to see you and our cows love a pat.



790 Wattledene Murray Grey

Philip Hogan 03 5439 3170 / 0419 104 389
Location: Sandhurst Town Rd, Myers Flat. Enter Sandhurst Town Rd from Allies Rd Myers Flat (Bendigo) property 500m on right. From Maiden Gully PO head north 500m, right into Schumaker Lane for 4k to T intersection,go left for 1.5k then 1st right into Sandhurst Town Rd, property 500m on right.
Information: After running a commercial cattle operation we commenced a Murray Grey stud in 1995 using Rockyleigh seedstock. Rockyleigh’s same basic principles have been continued raising structurally correct low birth weight easy calving females. The bulls also have these genetics and we aim to breed sires for the domestic supermarket and vealer trades. In keeping with Murray Grey desirable traits, a placid temperament is also an essential feature of Wattledene Murray Greys. Phil, Jill and David Hogan welcome hobby farmers, commercial and stud breeders to visit us on Monday Feb 3.


DAY 9 Wednesday Feb 5

925 Cullenya Murray Grey

Des Slattery 03 5570 8210 / 0418 370 539
Location: 124 S.Reeds Rd, Wannon, 15k west of Hamilton on Glenelg Hwy (Coleraine Rd) 2k east of Wannon River Falls.
Information: Cullenya has been breeding commercial and stud cattle for 30 years and are acutely commercial focussed. We breed cattle that will perform in a variety of markets. These cattle must be structurally correct, have sound temperament and high fertility. In recent times Cullenya cattle have excelled in carcase traits, the show ring and more importantly for other cattle producers. Cullenya will display our 2014 sale bulls (available for purchase at Beef Week ) along with cows and heifers, sires, 2013 bull and heifer calves and our 2014 National Show and Sale team. Cullenya cattle are also available for sale at any time. We welcome new and past clients to inspect our cattle. MN3,MSA and EU accredited.


944 Lindsay Murray Grey

Craig Grant 03 5570 4227
E:   W:
Location: 3265 Coleraine-Edenhope Rd, Coleraine. CFA map 387 A34. From Coleraine travel 33k north on Edenhope-Harrow Rd. From Harrow, travel 19k south on Coleraine Rd.
Information: Lindsay is again proud to be part of Beef Week with a good representation of quality Murray Greys on display. For inspection 32 outstanding autumn and spring drop bulls reserved for our annual production sale. All bulls have full Breedplan growth, fertility and carcase data, structurally assessed, vet checked, semen tested, guaranteed and delivered. For sale on the day stud and commercial heifers and young cows with CAF. If you require sustainable beef cattle with quality carcases, superior maternal characteristics and temperament combined with calving ease, please take this opportunity to inspect Lindsay Murray Greys. Annual Bull Sale, Friday Feb 21st 2014, alongside Boonaroo Angus @ Casterton. MN 3. Visitors always welcome.