Circular Head Murray Grey Feature Show

January 5, 2015

Circular Head Murray Grey Feature Show


On 6th December 2014 the Circular Head Murray Grey Feature Show was held in Tasmania.


The Judge was Roger McIntoshy (Myanga MG)

There were 31 entries, Great quality of MGs, great sponsorship and prizes. Apart from light drizzle during the morning judging the MGs put on a wonderful show with 8 studs exhibiting


Senior Champion Bull          BC & EM Atkins- Elbern         Lilyvale Grenadier

Jun Champion Bull               R & C Wilson- Wiltshire         Wiltshire Jeremias

Grand Champion Bull           R & C Wilson- Wiltshire         Wiltshire Jeremias


Sen Champion Female          R & C Wilson- Wiltshire         Wiltshire Rose-A-Lee E18

Jun Champion Female          R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire         Wiltshire Carmel J7

Grand Champion Female      R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire         Wiltshire Carmel J7



Supreme MG Exhibit            R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire         Wiltshire Carmel J7


Group of 3                             R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire

Junior Pair                             R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire

Sires Progeny                        R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire            Bundaleer True Blue

Most Successful Exhibitor    R & C Wilson-  Wiltshire


Interbreed Classes

Wiltshire Reserve in Group of 3, and Sires Progeny Wiltshire Rose-A-Lee E18 Sen Champion Female, Grand Champion Female, Supreme Exhibit



IMG_6472 Wiltshire Carmel J7 small IMG_6548 Wiltshire Jeremias small IMG_6975 Wiltshire Rose-A-Lee E18 small~$rcular Head Murray Grey Feature Show Dec 2014