Hills cattle full steam ahead

August 21, 2015

THE bull run for cattle showed no signs of slowing at last week’s Mount Pleasant monthly market.

Solid rates and a quality yarding were sure to buoy producer confidence as cows sold to $1680, steers to $1700 and heifers to $1140.

Landmark Fawcett’s Colin Fawcett said it was a “very solid” sale in line with others, with 280 cattle yarded.

“The quality of the cattle was very good,” he said.

“Sheep and lambs are in that transitional period between the seasons.

“There was good support from all processors there, with mainly processors operating on the sheep and lambs.

“All trade cattle went to processors and store cattle went ‘everywhere’.”

BM Linke, Angaston, sold one Murray Grey cow at $1560.

Jo Crofton, Mount Torrens, sold four Murray Grey cows, two at $1540 and two at $1520.

In the steers, MR,GD&KH Rathjen, Springton, topped the market with a Murray Grey at $1700, while Kies Pty Ltd, Lyndoch, sold three steers to $1380.

CM Bond, Mannum, sold eight yearlings, including two steers at $1210, two at $1150, two heifers at $1120, the heifer top at $1140 and one at $1130.

RE&RE Waechter, Keyneton, sold a Murray Grey bull at $1220.

Mr Fawcett said a couple of buyers on the day commented the cattle were the best yarding they had seen in awhile at any outlet.

courtesy of Stock Journal

Carla Wiese-Smith

is editor of SmartFarmer magazine