Lyn Richards honoured in Muswellbrook Australia Day awards

March 17, 2015

Australia Day award_Paul RichardsLyn Richards was honoured in the Australia Day Award for the Muswellbrook Shire after receiving  the Northoak Agricultural Award. This award is presented to someone who has made a significant contribution to agriculture with in the Muswellbrook Shire. Lyn  was recognized for her contribution to agriculture through the education of students in the area.

Two years ago, Lyn saw a need for education of students who were doing agriculture in schools, to have a program that could show them the finer points of showing cattle and direction other than what was currently done in schools.  Together with the help of a wonderful team of volunteers and the Upper Hunter Show this vision soon took place.

The format of the program took shape as a low cost camp that allowed for children from all ages, abilities and financial situations to be included. At the first camp, 60 students attended with many of these attending  shows in the area and succeeding and winning ribbons, but most importantly gaining confidence with parading and judging. Last year the camp grew to 105 students with many returning from the first camp and many new comers. Students came from Dungog through to Tamworth.

At both camps industry relevant people demonstrated both practical and theory to the students.  Some of the topics included judging, parading, diseases, agronomy,  pastures, clipping, washing and personal presentation.

Lyn is very proud of how far the camp and participants have come in just 2 years and is very pleased to see the participants  succeed.

When asked why she does this, her answer is simple – ‘this is a way I can give back to the industry and pass on some of the knowledge that I have gained from my mentors that have continued to share their knowledge with me.’