Results from National Show & Sale Wodonga Vic
April 23, 2015A successful National Show and Sale was held in Wodonga, Victoria on the 20-21st April. Some 49 entries were presented for sale along with a great line up of Murray Greys presented to the judge, Heyden Green of Summit Livestock. Heyden also spoke as part of the masterclass seminars held in conjunction with the National Show and Sale. Congratulations to all exhibitors.
Champion Led Bull exhibited by Cullenya Murray Grey Stud, Wannon pictured with Des Slattery and Kate and Geoff Buick , Arki Murray Greys, SA
Lot 40 AJE J3 exhibited by Angela Eylward sold for $7,000
Champion Unled cow exhibited by Rogialyn Murray Grey stud pictured with David Houghton, Mittagong NSW
Champion Unled Bull shown by Rogialyn Murray Grey Stud, Mittatong pictured with David Houghton.
Reserve Champion led Champion female Nawarra Copper EGK K19 being sashed by John Atkins, AML, Wodonga with associate judge, Hanna Powe, Cargo, NSW with Michelle Fairall, Harden, NSW