Cadfor Open Day Bull Sale

August 1, 2016

Click to view Sale Catalogue

The bulls listed on the Murray Grey website are the bulls we have for private sale at 1st August.  We appreciate that some breeders want to obtain bulls prior to our Open Day on 10th September.  If you have an interest in a particular bull you are invited to make an appointment to inspect at any time.  A list of bulls currently available are listed on our website

The inaugural Client Information Open Day at “Cadfor”, Binda will be held on Saturday 10th September.  We will be offering yearling bulls, black, grey and silver, plus some quality females with calf at foot.  Cattle will be available for inspection from 9am and the information sessions will be commencing at 10am.  Brian Cumming, a highly respected beef consultant, will discuss:

  • the current cattle industry situation and future trends
  • using Breedplan to get the best prices for your cattle when targeting premiums such as MSA.

After lunch Brian will conduct some practical demonstrations using the cattle offered for sale. Brian will also be available to provide independent advice on what animals would best suit producers’ requirements.

Cadfor Murray Greys are performance focused and only sell top quality Herd Improver bulls that will add profitability to the commercial herd. Every bull on offer is significantly better than breed average in one or more traits: calving ease/birthweight, growth or carcase. All bulls have a Supermarket $Index in the top 10% of the breed or better. The majority of Cadfor sale bulls have lower than average birthweights, higher than average eye muscle and better than average fat cover.

Producers intending to come to the Open Day are requested to RSVP to assist catering.

Please contact: Rod Hoare & Helena Warren, Cadfor Murray Greys,
Ph: (02) 4835 6220,
Rod: 0416284149

Details of the cattle and directions to Cadfor can be found on our website:

Download – Cadfor Murray Greys Sale Notes