WA BullSELECT workshops

January 4, 2018

Dear SBTS Stakeholders,

SBTS are going to WA in January 2018 to conduct several BullSELECT Workshops. These are an initiative of Western Beef Inc., and will be run at the following locations on the following dates:

  1.     Venturon Charolais, Boyup Brook on Monday 15th January.
  2.     Kingslane Red Angus, Benger on Tuesday 16th January.
  3.     Koojan Hills Angus & Melaleuca Murray Greys, Manypeaks on Thursday 18th January.

The BullSELECT Workshops are a mix of presentations and practical yard demonstrations which explores how to best utilise BREEDPLAN EBVs and Selection Indexes in animal selection. Invites for each workshop and a copy of the program are attached.

For seedstock producers, SBTS will also be running three Regional Forums in WA around this time. Further details will be provided in an additional email.

Catriona Millen
Technical Officer
Southern Beef Technology Services

ABRI, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
Ph: (02) 6773 3357
Mob: 0409 102 644
Fax: (02) 6772 5376
Email: catriona@sbts.une.edu.au