Murray Grey Society Australia Privacy Policy
To protect the personal information collected by the MGBCS from its members.
Privacy Member Information Policy of the Murray Grey Society of Australia (MGBCS)
MGBCS has adopted the following Privacy Policy to ensure that our procedures are in compliance of the National Privacy Principals as set out contained in the Privacy Act (1988) (Cth).
The Collection of Personal Information
MGBCS collects personal information from members, and from third parties such as other breed societies.
The personal information is to be used in relation to publications, promotions, internet site usage, the MGBCS website and data compilation with other Breed Societies and service organisations.
The personal member information the MGBCS collects included in these may be include: name, address details, contact numbers, email addresses, membership identification, and classification of membership
The MGBCS also collects information about:
- Details of livestock;
- Breedplan information;
- Details of any relevant sales or prize information.
However, it is a members right to withhold this information from MGBCS. If members decline to provide the above information, MGBCS may not be able to provide the services that they are expecting.
Use of Personal Information
MGBCS may use members’ personal information to:
- Establish MGBCS membership and include members information in our membership directory;
- Offer members new services and products including ?sale? notifications from independent sources third parties;
- Notify members and associated organizations of upcoming events (this may also include international notifications;
- Improve Murray Grey beef genetics;
- Administer databases including membership, animal genetics and financial accounts;
- Create publications;
- Write press releases;
- Improve the MGBCS’s electronic website for members and the general public’s usage;
- Make the general public aware of the Murray Grey breed;
- Inform members, associated organisations and the general public of our members’ contact and livestock details.
While members may elect not to consent to the MGBCS’s use of their personal information, MGBCS may be unable to provide its services where members do not consent.
Quality of Personal Information
MGBCS will undertake all reasonable steps to ensure that the information kept is accurate, but it is the responsibility of the member or organisation to notify the the MGBCS of an update to their records when there is a change. For example a change of address or herd information.
MGBCS will not be held responsible for any change of details if the Member or Organization has not contacted the Society to let us know of these changes.
MGBCS will ensure that all personal information is held securely in our Federal Office located at The Short Run, ABRI, UNE, Armidale NSW 2351 and in our information systems contractor?s premises. This includes physical, computer, communication and personnel security.
From time to time, information may be sent electronically or by mail to various contractors or purchasers for use. When released, this information is only to be used for the benefit of our members.
Our staff have been trained and are aware that all personal information is protected and will not must not be misused, altered without consent of the owner, or accessed in any unauthorized way.
Members personal information may be kept for future historical use for an indefinite period, even when they are no longer a member of MGBCS.
Access to Personal Information
Members have the right to access personal information that MGBCS holds about them. Enquiries should be made in writing to the Executive Officer, Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society of Australia, C/- ABRI, UNE, Armidale NSW 2351.
As permitted by law, a small charge for non-members may be made for historical searches to be made. The MGBCS may charge an administrative fee for access.
More Information
If you would like to know more about MGBCS’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Executive Officer at the Federal Office on 02 6773 2022.