Australia Murray Grey Network
The Murray Grey Network has been set up to provide members of the MGBCS and the general public with information on the whole supply chain involving Murray Greys and Murray Grey Beef.
The idea is that anyone who is interested in buying or selling Murray Grey animals and or beef can utilise this network to access up to date information on places in their local area that are involved with Murray Greys, such as a local butcher, restaurant, feedlot, commercial breeder or seedstock producer.
If you wish to have your business or Murray Grey production system listed on the Murray Grey Network, pleaseĀ download and fill in the Network Form and fax or post it back to the MGBCS.
You may also like to be involved with the Murray Grey Youth network, a program open to all young cattle enthusiasts 30 years and under.
Find a Buyer
JBS Australia maintains its livestock supply requirements through a network of specialist cattle and sheep buyers located throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, King Island and Tasmania. Our livestock buyers strive to develop and maintain strong relationships with their suppliers and the surrounding communities. The search feature below will help you find the...
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International Studs
American Murray Grey Association Base Camp Ranching Canadian Murray Grey Association Eagles Run Ranch Murray Grey Foundation Murray Grey International Association Spectrum Farm UK Murray Grey Society Steeple View Ranch Brazilian Association of Murray Grey and Greyman
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