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JBS Swift

JBS Australia maintains its livestock supply requirements through a network of specialist cattle and sheep buyers located throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, King Island and Tasmania. Our livestock buyers strive to develop and maintain strong relationships with their suppliers and the surrounding communities.

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HW Greenhams & Sons Ltd

Greenham purchases the majority of its cattle direct from farmers close to the company’s operating plants. At present 100 percent of the Tongala plant requirements is purchased direct from local suppliers through company-sponsored liveweight scale operations or local “over the hooks” trading at the abattoir.


Graeme Pretty Livestock Manager 0418 505 347


Peter Greenham Jnr Managing Director (03) 6452 2701
Graeme Pretty Livestock Controller (03) 6452 2701 0418 505 347
Gavin Coombe Central/NW (03) 6452 2701 0418 639 735
Darryl Pearce Circular Head (03) 6452 2701 0413 286 998
Daryl Heazlwood NE/South 0419 131 458
Ian Millen Central East (03) 6344 8915 0408 133 685
Nick Strickland Central/NW (03) 6433 3230 0417 335 843
Wayne Oliver Statewide 0419 358 441
Ron Crack King Island 0400 895 133