Murray Grey Cattle Australia


Murray Grey Annual 2023 / 2024

More content than last year!
The Murray Grey Annual 2023 / 2024 is one of the larger publications produced by the Society in several years.

See the annual online CLICK HERE

New Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Indexes

BREEDPLAN and the Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society have recently completed a review and revision of the selection indexes available to Australian Murray Grey cattle producers. The revised indexes were released in conjunction with the July 2023 Murray Grey BREEDPLAN analysis results.

There are now 5 selection indexes that are available to Murray Grey producers and these are the:

  • Vealer Terminal Index (VT)
  • Supermarket Index (SUP)
  • Heavy Grass Fed Steer Index (GF)
  • Northern Terminal Index (NT)
  • Breeder Replacement Index (BR)

The objective of the selection indexes is to better reflect the breeding objectives of commercial herds that utilise Murray Grey genetics.

For more information CLICK HERE

To see how to use the indexes head to the BREEDPLAN Page



Looking for members in your area?

Check out our member map!

The MGBCS is committed to:

  1. Providing services to members, such as communication, registrations, information, marketing and breed promotion.
  2. Directing the policy for the breed.
  3. Maintaining and improving the economic wealth of the company for the benefit of members.
  4. Ensure the Society adopts best practice for corporate governance in the conduct of its duties.
  5. Promote and be involved in research projects domestically and internationally.
  6. Developing international relationships amongst Murray Grey breeders.
  7. Promotion of Murray Grey cattle domestically and internationally.

The breed has its worldwide headquarters in Armidale, NSW.


Latest NewsMembers are welcome to submit news stories to the MGBCS for publication consideration.